Virtual Reality: Unwrapped Stories

An LSD Protocol
Virtual Reality and Unwrapped Storytelling

Travelling on a spiritual journey towards home. Finding blobs way through the Oceania of galaxies and stardust that weighed blob’s mass down but triumphed when no one else expected the slumber or the hmmm to flow throughout the Milky Way only to begin again along a new path.

It is an interactive collaborative community project that focuses on ‘wraps’ unwrapping iNFTs that you can stake BeingBlob with and farm a unique randomised 1/1 piece. The most voted on community Twitter, will contribute to their own wrap on the contract. The story and The community can take part by ‘unwrapping’ blobs own journey with their own as a way of sharing stories where community members felt they overcoming obstacles and thus have been able to grow even with battling depression. Sharingstories can become a ‘wrap’ on the $Tru token. A small supply of 50million With each collection up to 5 and each iNFT unwraps as the story develops. As it becomes available noting the ‘live’ aspect of unwrapping content. Each iNFT has 20 in a collection and total supply each up to 1000. Totalling per contract wrapx5 = 500,000 iNFTs.

I believe true storytelling is and should be open source. Empowering the community to share its own voice through the sharingstories hashtag to help grow the community and raise awareness of sharing mental health struggles in an open community.

Project has already developed a prototype website staking and mint platform. It is not suitable for testnet. Just a prototype.

The team forms An independent creative, working with a freelance blockchain dev. Believing the future of content creation is open source, and the rights of content creation should always belong to the creator and community as a gift in kind.

We can also develop monthly critiques with active members as an extended resource and discuss topics alongside art work and more upcoming projects.

The funds go towards the purchase of computing equipment and virtual reality development plus the cost of website, security and contract creation. Fractionals are expensive
but it works better for the farm system to receive a unique reward.

Phase 1:
Build and develop community
Create open source based content
Develop beta testing stage for testnet
Website and security
Smart contracts establish with mint function to include: fractionals and staking (Randomised code) with Farming incentive

Phase 2
Launch studio DAO for wrapper pools
Unwrap storytelling and iNFT creation deployment
Develop community critiques hub

Phase 3
Main net launch
Further community engagement

Asking: 50000FTM

Team Wallets:
AKAP.ftm / akalchemy.ETH

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