USA Users Excluded from Sonic airdrop WTF! and others too

WOW! Super Sonic Fantom upgrade incoming!

Here is a quote from the FAQ’s:


I am sad Sonic is excluding me, a USA user. I’ve been hurt financially by the Multichain fiasco. I have depegged ETH and USDC on Fantom (someone Meme these please)! I have endured through this. Now you want to exclude me. :nauseated_face: :sob: :weary:

“Geo-fence” that does not sound very crypto like. The unrestricted nature and the ability to send Fantom or Sonic to whomever or wherever is what drew me here.

Please consider a way to include me and all the other restriced users. Here’s a couple of ideas to explore: change airdrop to a claim, gift it, ability to donate it, delegate it to favorite protocol or burn it.

Other users will be restricted too, here is a quote from Legal Provisions:

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

If you are a restricted user :heart: and comment on this post.


Can’t you use a VPN to get around it?

Yes, I also have been supporting Fantom over the years via staking etc… I recently started the quests and while I was able to get Shard1, due to these so called gated restrictions, I am not able to complete multiple tasks to get 2 or 3. Crypto was NOT made to be restricted or controlled by entities in any way shape or form, this was and is the beauty of it. Please “TEAR DOWN THE WALL” Fantom, starting with Sonic. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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Maybe, if you want to jump thru a bunch of hoops and set up email too that you only use when you’re connected to the vpn. Maybe not. I have tried doing a something similar in the past with frustration and time sunk and was not worth it to me. Thanks for comment.

Agree completely! Fantom Foundation and Sonic Labs please listen to your users and future users a like! Thanks for commenting.