Andre Cronje - infinite AMA

Thanks for your response! Will Gas Abstraction be released alongside AA? Or is it too early enough to tell? It’s the feature I’m most excited for :wink:


Full features gas abstraction would require AA, but a subset thereof will be available when we release gas subsidies, which will function similar in practice.


I just want to say hi :slight_smile:


Hi Klue, welcome, hi back :slight_smile:


Hi Andre, as a long time follower of Kanpeki, I have been of the understanding you have known of the protocol for a long time, in fact you added Keep3r Oracle support to the project some time ago.

Now that the protocol is fully decentralised and unique to Fantom, it would be great to get your visibile opinion and support for Kanpeki.

Isn’t Kanpeki exactly what you have always wanted to see come to life in the world of DeFi, especially here on Fantom.

Many thanks.


I have no clue what Kanpeki is, and please don’t use this thread to shill projects.


It was called Yield and you added Keep3r Oracle support for it? I thought you would be aware of fully decentralised protocols on Fantom? Isn’t that what DeFi should be about?


What are your thoughts on Tomb Finance?


I don’t believe any algorithmic stable coins work, nor will they


But what about one pegged to FTM?


Is FVM still on track? Any updates you can give?


The peg doesn’t matter, as long as it is algorithmic and not backed, it won’t work


Everything is on track, we will release updates when it is prudent, we don’t want to release information prematurely as the FVM is a competitive advantage we would like to secure.


its pretty kewl actually Kanpeki - Isolated Individual Fixed-Rate Lending and Borrowing - YouTube


What are your thoughts on Harry and him building on L2 on top of FTM?


Fantom isn’t close to its max throughput. An L2 doesn’t serve a purpose.


Hello Andre

Thank you very much for allowing this access to your person. I describe my questions below:

  1. Why does a mind like yours decide to work in 2021 with Daniele Sestagali who promotes and achieves super hype with a ponzi like Wonderland, that in your mind you knew was unsustainable and many people were going to lose money sooner or later?
  2. Why did you come out solidly like that, knowing that there would be many people who believe in you and consider FTM as their home and they would be affected?
  3. Why you have a relationship with Harry, the only thing Harry has done is harm his community?

With these questions I am not trying to question FTM, since I consider it my only and favorite L1, I will always defend it and since I met her I thought that everything else was garbage.


Hi, is there any developments in regards to FUSD?


Really, because I seem to recall a specific moment last year in which someone (whose name rhymes with douche) got himself liquidated for more money than the chain could come to terms with at which point gas fees skyrocketed to Ethereum base layer levels for 1-2 weeks. Are you sure this specific example is not the exact situation a layer two is built to avoid?

  1. During 2021 I was bombarded with negative sentiment after Eminence, a large part of that sentiment was; “I don’t care about the users” or “I don’t put the users first”, Danielle had managed to build what I considered a very strong community, and having had a few chats with him, I believed he truly cared about community building and his users, he seemed to care very deeply, an element I was told, I don’t have. I was not involved with Wonderland, but respected the work they did with Abracadabra / MIM, and the research he was doing at Popsicle, both of those were/are real products, Danielle had seen Wonderland as a community building exercise, but as you rightfully say it wasn’t sustainable, that’s why I never supported it or was involved with it. Truth be told, if it wasn’t for the events that transpired with Sifu, I would have had no issues to continue working with Danielle. Unfortunately how that unraveled meant that door was firmly closed.

  2. With Solidly, I had thought I had communicated two things clearly (in hindsight, it seems I should have emphasized these more); 1, Solidly was completely immutable, after I deployed it, I could not, even if I wanted to, update it, so there was nothing left for me to do, the second I deployed it, I had already walked away from the code. I did communicate this and that it would not be a “project” but simply a new primitive, but it seems this part wasn’t stressed enough or I communicated it badly, both faults on my part, that is why I am trying to spend more time creating environments for discussion, since I don’t want this to happen again, and 2, that a user could manipulate the system to their own benefit, but then they would be shooting themselves in the foot, since they would have to amass a large position of Solid (costing them a large amount of money), and then by benefiting themselves, they would end up devaluing their own position, I didn’t think any rational person would do this, but clearly I was wrong as both Bebis and Roosh ended up doing this, depreciating the platform. All the forks since have decided to instead centralize this part, as the decentralized nature was the weakness. I still think (maybe naively) that solidly was a success, since it proved in a real world environment that truly decentralized governance doesn’t work (further the code breakthroughs in terms of the new stable AMM, the new weighted oracle, and the ve tokenomics), and proved that users care more about a “team and a project” than they do about a primitive. That being said though, I do have remorse for how it turned out and that is why I’m focusing on more communication this year (like this very thread)

  3. I don’t have a relationship with Harry Yeh, I’ve only met him at the Abu Dhabi Fantom conference, but have always made it clear that Harry is not part of the foundation, nor is he a core contributor.

I appreciate the questions, its good to be able to discuss the bad and the good. I believe discussing the bad is better, since we can learn from it.