Governance Vote 1: $FTM to $S Compatibility

yes i would like the $FTM to $S merger

Vote Yes $FTM to $S !

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Voted Yes for $FTM to $S migration

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i would approve of $FTM and $S compatibility

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im confused about what exactly happens with the migration to $S - does the entire eco change, do we have the same balance, is there an airdrop cominfg as a result aswell? Woukd this ovverall be better for $FTM as a future?


I would vote yes for 1:1 swap to Sonic


I completely agree. I’ve been holding FTM throughout the volatility for a long time now and its been really hard to maintain my conviction and not paper hand. Im concerned that this migration will have a profound impact to the down side.


yes i am aware of this Fantom change to Sonic and i believe it would be best for the Fantom network


Those that say yes, no brainer, have no brains. ARE THE TOKENOMICS the same? Sheesh, someone asked earlier and no one seems to give a direct answer or link to an answer. Why have a vote to migrate when all the information isn’t given? If the Sonic token’s maximum supply is 31,750,000,000 then the distribution should be 1 to 10…


yes, approve $FTM to $S migration and compalibility

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yes, approve $FTM to $S migration

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will this change the tokenomics with the migration? just curious


we need marketing, i had no idea about this until just now!!!

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How can I click vote?

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Did all of you guys vote? I did it last minute.

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It’s a bit sketchy on implementation I think. As someone has said FTM chain perfectly works and some of us are invested, some more than others in its success. I notice the Foundation (?) has posted Guy’s deep dive (Coin Bureau) into the new plans over at the reddit sub. … (, whereas I realise this is not endorsement of Guy’s analyses I wondered if the notes he sounded over the future are correct more or less. Anyone know?


Sí, Aprobar, sin embargo es un traumatismo la migracion para los titulares de FTM?, consideremos las siglas del token fantom, ya que las nuevas siglas del token sonic es muy simple.

Yes, $FTM to $S migration and long time hodlers be awarded somehow

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Yes, APPROVE $FTM to $S migration and compatibility.

O que é Genese ? É uma plataforma inde será realizada a troca ?